A Haven of Still Water Sheltered by Flowering Rushes
A Haven of Still Water Sheltered by Flowering Rushesa-haven-of-still-water-sheltered-by-flowering-rushes-46220-1a-haven-of-still-water-sheltered-by-flowering-rushes-46220-1-1-1a-haven-of-still-water-sheltered-by-flowering-rushes-46220-1-1-1-1

A Haven of Still Water Sheltered by Flowering Rushes

Remanso de agua quieta al abrigo de juncales floridos (A Haven of Still Water Sheltered by Flowering Rushes) | Oil | 24" x 51"

A unique canvas geometry (dimensions unframed: 24” x 51”) was chosen by the artist to capture this particular pond during that particular time when the rushes peaked his interest.  The expansive format, in and of itself, brings us directly into Ramon Vilanova’s life as he sits before his easel and finds the fascinations that often come from still waters.  It is simply remarkable and frankly, when seen in the gallery, fascinating and riveting while at the same time being romantic and uplifting.  This original is a celebration of life and is ready to anchor or enhance the greatest of art collections.

SKU: VI-11845 Artist: Tag:
Nicole Wolff
Gallery Director

"It inspires in me a vital need to express my feelings through painting.
Spread out on the palette, the colors prepare themselves to give birth to emotions on the white canvas.
The word is silent, passionately contemplating the landscape.
A palpitation that comes from nothing, enmeshed with yesterday, today and tomorrow.
That way it keeps on growing, like a blessing, a pentagram of colors, full of emotions.

While the journeys of the heart take place.

Of life, heartbeats, of vision, a language expressed in pleasures.
Without time to contain them."
- Ramon Vilanova

Ramon Vilanova was born into a blue-collar family in a small town outside of Barcelona in 1947. It is in this fertile landscape of the northeast region of Spain that Vilanova finds his inspiration. Though his parents discouraged him from pursuing a career as an artist, his desire to paint was too compelling. The self-taught artist has clearly fulfilled his destiny in a most stunning manner. His paintings of the countryside of his native Catalonia, as well as those depicting the islands of Majorca and Minorca, have won critical acclaim and have been exhibited in museums throughout Europe.

Indeed, when in the presence of one of Vilanova's impressive paintings, it is easy to understand why. Vilanova paints En Plein Air, and thus truly captures the moment and the feeling of when and what he is painting. Whether his subject is the sea, a field of resplendent blooms, or a farmhouse enveloped by lush foliage, the viewer is transported to the time and place as Vilanova experienced it. Using the bold, expressive strokes of a palette knife Vilanova leaves nothing out. Nor does he introduce elements that were not initially present. For example, a client once sought to commission Vilanova for a painting of sunflowers; he initially refused because they were out of season. When pressed to do so, he painted a sunflower field as it appeared at that time of year... complete with dead, rotting sunflowers. An extreme example perhaps, but one that exhibits his dedication to capturing the landscape exactly as he sees it.


Museums & Collections

Museo Thermalia / Manolo Hugué, caldes de Montbui
Palau Meca, Barcelona
Museu de Historia, Girona
Casa Museu Prat de la Riba, Castell Terçol
Museum of Chartres, France
Fundació Gali, Palamós
Museu de Vilafraca Museu de Fraga, Osca
Museum of Taunusstein, Germany
Museum Antibes, France
Fundado Sant Miquel de Cuixart, France
Museu de Tossa de Mar
Botanic Museum, Chicago, USA
Museu de Granollers
Evansville Museum
Coral Springs Museum of Art


Awards & Accolades

1982 1st prize Cardedeu

1983 1st prize Vilassa de Dalt, 1st prize Sant Quirze de Safaja, 1st prize Valldoreix, 1st prize Ripollet

1984 1st prize XXII Saló d’art Ajuntament de Martorell

1985 1st prize Roda de Ter, 1st prize XIII Ajuntament de Centelles, 1st Grand prize Ciutat Montornès, 1st prize Vilafranca del Penedes, 1st award «Manolo Hugué», caldes de Montbui, 1st prize Parets del Vallès

1986 1st Prize Ciutat de Badalona, 1st prize Argentona, 1st prize Sta. Perpetua de la Mogoda, 1st prize Tiana, Award «Manolo Hugué», Caldes de Montbui, Award in honor of the painter Lamolla, Lerida, 1st prize 1st Bienal de Malgrat de Mar, 1st prize Baix Llobregat, 1st prize Ciudad de Fraga, 1st prize Calella

1987 1st prize Ciutat de Badalona, 1st prize Montcada i Reixac, 1st prize Oremià de Mar, 1st prize Argentona, 1st prize Hostalets de Balanyà, 1st prize XXIX Concurso Mercat del Ram, Vic, 1st prize Matadepera, Sala Aida, 1st prize Generalitat de Catalunya Dept. de Cultura, Cassà de la Selva award «Nit de l ‘art», Sala Blau de Mar, Arenys de Mar, 1st prize Ripollet, Award Feria de la Fruta, Barcelona

1988 1 st prize la Cellera de Ter, 1st prize XlVI Concurs de Centelles

1989 Award Concurso Nacional de la Rosa, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, 1st prize Beget, 1st prize Hostalets de Balanyà, 1st prize Calella, XXXIII International award of Tossa de Mar, Special award of Conselleria de Cultura de la Generalitat, Award «Maria Trias Joan in Memoriam», XIX Concurso de Arte de Palamós

1990 Award Àngel Marsà, XX Concurso de Arte de Palamós, 1st prize Manlleu

1991 Award Aguilar Canosa, XXI Concurso de Arte de Palamós

1992 Award Gómez de Segura Herrero, XXII Concurso de Arte de Palamós Europe Award, XXV Salón de Castelnaudary, France

1993 1st prize, Gold Medal, XXIII Concurso de Arte de Palamós


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